So….You Want to Be A Pageant Girl!


 A Little Background 


I have had dreams of becoming a fashion model and a pageant queen since I was a very young girl. There is something about the glitz and the glamour of walking on a runway that is extremely appealing to me. Although I really like wearing jeans and T-shirts, it is extremely enjoyable for me to dress up like a princess, so I take every opportunity that is placed in front of me. I can remember the first time I stepped foot on a stage, and it was amazing. It was such an emotional moment and being in front of all those people was both frightening and exhilarating at the same time. The range of emotions that flow through my mind as I walk across those stages is hard to describe, but it is something that I cannot get enough of.

It has been roughly 8 years since I started competing in pageants, and I have learned quite a lot about how the process works, and I am still learning every day. For those who dream of competing, the best way to learn is by doing a pageant! If you have dreams of becoming a pageant queen, consider entering a local pageant and get to know the people who work the pageants and those who attend. You will find that those people have most of the same dreams and desires that you have, and they have all dealt with the same emotions and fears that might be going through your mind at this very moment.


Practice, Practice Practice


I mention fear because fear is a natural emotion just like any other. We all experience a certain level of fear in most of the things that we do which might be a fear of failure, a fear of ridicule, or a fear of the unknown. For each of us, fear can seem so real, and it can sometimes prevent us from taking any action. However, I say embrace that fear! Fear can be a good thing! You might ask, “How can you say that fear can be a good thing?” To that question, my answer would be that, by embracing fear and all the lingering questions that come along with it, you could be able to address some of the possible problems that might occur in your performance before ever walking on the stage.

Some of those fears might include whether your dress is the right length or whether you are prepared for any questions that might be asked during an interview. The best way to address these questions is to handle them before you ever get to the event. You should always try your dress on, and always wear the same shoes that you are going to be using during the competition. Also, you should practice walking in the clothes, in as close to a competitive situation as possible, during all your training sessions.

In that way, you will know how the dress flows over your shoes, and how long your stride should be. It may seem insignificant, but if the dress restricts your movement, and you need to walk up some stairs, it could be very challenging to do so if you have not prepared for it. Preparation is key in anything you do, and you should always make sure that you have everything you need before you leave for a competition. It is so much easier to deal with having more things in your bag of tricks than to be under pressure because you forgot something at home.

Also, it is extremely important to practice speaking in front of other people. Most pageants have some form of public address or interview question, so you must become comfortable speaking in front of others. I have found that it is best to get people to ask you questions, and answer the questions while you are standing in front of them. I find that it is better to be standing in front of them rather than sitting down. It is best to practice in a way that closely mimics how you would normally be answering the questions. Remember to:

  • listen clearly to the question
  • gather your thoughts
  • formulate a response that best fits what you feel is being asked of you

It can be quite difficult to answer questions that may not be connected to anything that you have an interest in, but you must be able to handle those types of questions in any part of your life, so it is always good to be prepared and learn how to do it.

Finally, it is extremely important to be confident in your abilities. When you exude confidence, everyone can see it. Confidence allows you to walk with poise and grace, and it comes through in your speaking ability which will be sincere and professional. Confidence in your abilities is one of the biggest adversities to fear. Therefore, the best way to make sure you are confident in all aspects of pageantry is to practice, practice, PRACTICE!!!

Hopefully, these few tips will help you better prepare for an upcoming show or contest. If you have any thoughts or ideas, leave a comment, and I will answer it in the best way possible. Subscribe to my blog by entering your email address in the box below. By subscribing, you will be able to keep up with all of the upcoming posts and news.

Thank You and Good Luck!!!
