Harnessing the Wind
“Can a Modified Windmill Generate Electricity in an Interstate Traffic Setting?”
“Can a Modified Windmill Generate Electricity in an Interstate Traffic Setting?”
Broadcom MASTERS Alumnus, Rachel Pizzolato to Co-Host MythBusters Jr. with Adam Savage on The Discovery Science Channel!
Exciting preview of episode 1 of Discovery Science Channel’s new series – Mythbusters Jr.
Louisiana Teen joins Adam Savage on Mythbusters Jr.
Broadcom MASTERS is the premier middle school science competition in the United States. Gathered from across the United States, the Top 30 Finalists go to Washington DC to compete in a week of competition that focuses on team building and scientific exploration. Along the way, each participant is encouraged to develop team skills and is exposed to many new and exciting projects and adventures.
Stampeding sweet potatoes, we’ve got a Mythbuster on the blog! That’s right, it’s Rachel Pizzolato, a.k.a. BEAUTY & BRAINS with a Twist, and she’s here to tell us what it’s like to be a fourteen-year-old award-winning scientist, gymnast, pageant queen, model, and, yep, a star of the forthcoming Mythbusters Jr. series.
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